The Pastoral Council enables parishioners to accept and share more fully the task of continuing the church’s work in service to the community of Annunciation Parish and its neighbors. In discharging its responsibilities, the Pastoral Council will be guided by the following principles:
The Pastoral Council with the Pastor makes policy decisions; parish staff make administrative decisions
The Pastoral Council will operate by consensus, always open to the Holy Spirit, when discerning major decisions that establish goals and objectives for the future.
The Pastoral Council decisions will be consistent with faith and morals, civil and church law, and diocesan policies.
The Pastor ratifies decisions of the Pastoral Council through his presence and participation in the consensus process.
Together with the pastor members of the Pastoral Council have a unique responsibility for the development and evaluation of the Parish Pastoral Plan.
The Pastoral Council is an advisory and consultative body to the Pastor. The Council also has the responsibility to communicate with the Pastor on issues and matters which members of the parish may wish to bring to the Pastor’s attention.
Membership on the Pastoral Council The Council will be made up of 14-16 members and, as far as possible, the full membership will reflect the demographics and the ethnic composition of the Parish Community. The Pastor will accept nominations for Pastoral Council vacancies from the current councilors, and members of the parish including self – nomination. The Pastor and /or his designee, or both, will meet with each nominee to discuss the expectations and responsibilities of the Pastoral Council Members. Pastoral Council members, excluding councilors who have some need to resign, will serve one three year term with the option of a second. The Pastor may extend the term of service when it is necessary to provide continuity for the Pastoral Council during periods of transition or when major decisions are being considered.
The Pastoral Council Executive Committee will be appointed by the Pastor. It shall meet at such times as determined by the Pastor and the Chair of the committee to consider such matters as the Pastor and the Chair shall determine. It shall set the agenda for the Pastoral Council Meetings.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee advises the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish, reviewing budgets and financial statements for the parish and school. It helps evaluate the financial needs of the parish and the efforts of the parishioners in supporting these needs. For more information contact Father Mike at 202-362-3323 ext 19 or [email protected].