Lectors assist in proclaiming the Word of God during the Mass or other parish liturgies. The effective proclamation of the readings increases the spirituality of the entire parish. In addition, we increase our own personal spirituality through prayer and the study of Scripture. Any confirmed Catholic parishioner 16 years or older, having a strong and active faith, and willing to commit to regular service, is welcome to serve. Orientation sessions are held each year for interested new Readers.
Qualities we look for in a Lector are:
Good public speaking abilities — a good Lector needs voice--LSD (be loud, slow and distinct)
An appreciation and love of scripture
Ability to serve at scheduled masses or arrange for a substitute if unable to fulfill an assignment
At least 16 years old
We especially welcome family Lector teams (husband-wife, parent-child, brother-sister, etc). Lectors are usually scheduled to read 2-4 times within a several month schedule. We try to honor preferences for “favorite” mass, but Lectors should be flexible in serving when needed. If they have a schedule conflict, Lectors are instructed to call others on the roster to swap or sub. Usually two lectors are scheduled for each mass. They share the reading and announcement duties. Contact Tina Lindberg at 202-362-3323 x 15 or [email protected].